Audit a Course

Auditing allows a student to observe the instruction of a course without earning credit. Auditing grants the privilege of hearing and observing course information. Participation, discussion, and access to online materials is at the discretion of the instructor. Computer Science & Engineering, Geosciences, Physical Education, Creative Writing, Foreign Language, Studio/Ensemble, Thesis, Dissertation, Online, and Hybrid courses, and any course(s) that charges a lab fee may not be audited.

Steps To Audit a Course

  1. Use Course Lookup and check to see if the course is still available.
  2. The Application to Audit Course form will be available on the Registrar’s Forms page beginning on the first day of the semester through the full-term session census day.
  3. Obtain email approval from the instructor via their UTD email. Be sure to include the term, course prefix, number and section of the class that you are requesting to audit.
    1. Remember that some courses cannot be audited.
  4. Submit the completed Application and Instructor’s email approval to If a current student the submission should come from your UTD email account. If not a current student, include a copy of your ID for verification of address and date of birth.
    1. Deadline to submit the application form is the full-term census day for the semester. Census day can be found in the Comet Calendar.
    2. If over 65 years of age, a government issued ID showing date of birth will be required. If under 22 years of age and not a current student, vaccination documentation is required.
    3. If you plan to audit a graduate course, transcript proof of undergraduate degree is required.
  5. Once you receive email confirmation of the registration, visit the Bursar’s website to complete online payment of the audit fee.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if I decide to drop the course I was approved to audit?

Depending on the time of the semester, you may receive a withdrawal for the course. Additionally, no monies will be refunded for the class.

What proof can I get to show that I audited the course?

You may order an official transcript which will reflect the audit course. Instructions on how to order a transcript can be found on the Transcripts page.

The Office of the Registrar has stated that I cannot audit a course. How can I appeal this decision?

The audit rules are defined in the Academic Catalog and there is no appeal process to audit an ineligible course.

How can I get access to eLearning/online course tools for the class I am auditing?

Auditing grants the privilege of hearing and observing course information. Participation, discussion, and access to online materials is at the discretion of the instructor.