AP Exam Credit

Test scores must be submitted directly from the testing agency. For AP scores only, UT Dallas will accept AP scores printed on the official high school transcript, but only if the AP scores appear on the transcript in the official College Board format.

AP credit is awarded according to the chart below and core courses are in green in the chart on the Office of Undergraduate Education website. Students must make the appropriate score on the appropriate exam to receive credit.

Math Subscore

Students are required to score a 4 or 5 on the Math AB subscore (MABS) in addition to scoring at least a 3 on the Calculus BC exam to receive credit for the Math 2413 and Math 2312 sequence. The Petition for Credit page will display all available math credit, but advisors must select the appropriate math sequence according to the AP equivalency chart.

Spanish Exams

Before 2019, College Board had two AP Spanish exams: AP Spanish Literature and AP Spanish Language. To import the test scores into our system, UT Dallas used the “SPLL” test code for the AP Spanish Literature exam, and the “SPL” test code for the AP Spanish Language exam. UT Dallas decided to only award credit for the “SPL” exam. This equivalency remains in effect, and is reflected in the chart below.

In 2019 College Board made changes to the AP Spanish exams “to better align with college-level expectations.” UT Dallas then updated their AP Spanish equivalencies to reflect the revised exams. The new AP Spanish Literature and Culture exam was given the “SLTC” test code to import those exam scores into our system. The new AP Spanish Language and Culture exam was given the “SPLC” test code to import those exam scores into our system. The new equivalencies that were approved by the Council on Undergraduate Education applied only to the new exams, and are reflected in the chart below.

Previous version: 2023 Equivalency Chart

Equivalency Chart – Effective Fall 2024

SubjectExamAP Test ComponentScore of 3Score of 4Score of 5
ArtHistory of ArtARH3 SCH free electivesAHST 2331AHST 2331
Studio Art: 2-D DesignAS23 SCH free electivesARTS 2380ARTS 2380
Studio Art: DrawingASD3 SCH free electivesARTS 1316ARTS 1316
BiologyGeneral BiologyBY3 SCH free electivesBIOL 2312 + 2112, BIOL 2311 + 2111BIOL 2311 + 2111, BIOL 2312 + 2112, BIOL 2281
ChemistryGeneral ChemistryCH3 SCH free electivesCHEM 1311 + LabCHEM 1311 & 1312 + Labs
ChineseLanguage & CultureCLCCHIN 1311 & 1312CHIN 1311,1312 & 2311CHIN 1311, 1312, 2311 & 2312
Computer ScienceComputer Science ACSA3 SCH free electivesCS 1436 + 1337CS 1436 + 1337
EconomicsMacroeconomicsEMA3 SCH free electivesECON 2301ECON 2301
MicroeconomicsEMI3 SCH free electivesECON 2302ECON 2302
EnglishEnglish Language and CompositionENGCRHET 1301RHET 1301RHET 1301 + RHET 1302
EnglishEnglish Literature and CompositionELCRHET 1301RHET 1301RHET 1301 + RHET 1302
Environmental ScienceEnvironmental ScienceENVGEOS 2302 (Same as ENVR/GEOG 2302)GEOS 2302 (Same as ENVR/GEOG 2302)GEOS 2302 (Same as ENVR/GEOG 2302)
FrenchFrench Language and CultureFLCFREN 1311 & 1312FREN 1311, 1312 & 2311FREN 1311, 1312, 2311 & 2312
GeographyHuman GeographyHUGGEOG 2303GEOG 2303GEOG 2303
GermanGerman Language and CultureGLCGERM 1311 & 1312GERM 1311, 1312 & 2311GERM 1311, 1312, 2311 & 2312
Government and PoliticsComp Government and PoliticsGPC3 SCH free electives3 SCH free electives3 SCH free electives
US Government and PoliticsGPUGOVT 2305GOVT 2305GOVT 2305
HistoryUnited States HistoryUHHIST 1301HIST 1301 and HIST 1302HIST 1301 and HIST 1302
European HistoryEURHHIST 2360HIST 2360HIST 2360
ItalianItalian LanguageILCLANG 1311 & 1312LANG 1311, 1312 & 2311LANG 1311, 1312, 2311 & 2312
JapaneseJapanese LanguageJLCJAPN 1311 & 1312JAPN 1311, 1312 & 2311JAPN 1311, 1312, 2311 & 2312
LatinLatin LanguageLTLANG 1311 & 1312LANG 1311, 1312 & 2311LANG 1311, 1312, 2311 & 2312
MathCalculus ABMABMATH 2312MATH 2312 + 1325 or MATH 2312 + 2413MATH 2312 + 1325 or MATH 2312 + 2413
Calculus BCMBCMATH 2312 + 1325 or MATH 2312 + 2413***MATH 2312 + 2417 or MATH 1325 + 1326^ or MATH 2413 + 2414MATH 2312 + 2417 or MATH 1325 + 1326^ or MATH 2413 + 2414
PrecalculusPCMATH 1306 or MATH 1314MATH 2312 or MATH 1316 or MATH 1306 or MATH 1314MATH 2312 or MATH 1316 or MATH 1306 or MATH 1314
MusicMusic TheoryMSTMUSI 2328MUSI 2328MUSI 2328
PhysicsPhysics B (non-calculus)PHB3 SCH free electivesPHYS 1301 + 1101PHYS 1301 + 1101
Physics 1PH13 SCH free electivesPHYS 1301 + 1101PHYS 1301 + 1101
Physics 2PH23 SCH free electivesPHYS 1302 + 1102PHYS 1302 + 1102
Physics C: MechanicsPHCM3 SCH free electivesPHYS 2325 + 2125PHYS 2325 + 2125
Physics C: Electrical and MagneticPHCE3 SCH free electivesPHYS 2326**+ 2126PHYS 2326**+ 2126
PsychologyGeneral PsychologyPYPSY 2301PSY 2301PSY 2301
Spanish Language (pre-2019)Spanish LanguageSPLSPAN 1311SPAN 1311 & 1312SPAN 1311, 1312 & 2311
Spanish Language & CultureSpanish Language & CultureSPLCSPAN 1311 & 1312SPAN 1311, 1312 & 2311SPAN 1311, 1312, 2311 & 2312
Spanish Literature & CultureSpanish Literature & CultureSLTC, SPTCSPAN 1311, 1312 & 2311SPAN 1311, 1312, & 2311SPAN 1311, 1312, 2311 & 2312
StatisticsStatisticsSTAT3 SCH Free ElectivesSTAT 1342STAT 1342