Go to https://www.utdallas.edu/galaxy/, click on “Orion” and log in with your NetID and password.

In your UTD Student Center, select the “Manage My Classes” tile.

Select “Schedule Planner.”

Click the “Open Schedule Planner” button.

Schedule Planner will open in a new browser window.
You may need to allow pop-ups on your internet browser.
Select the term for which you want to register and click “Save and Continue.”

At the top of the page, click on your current schedule.

Click on “Drop Classes.”

Find the class you want to drop and under Actions check the box beside “Drop.” Then click on “Save.”

You will be asked to confirm that you want to make the change. Click on “Save.”

You will receive a confirmation message that the class has been dropped.

If you have questions regarding registration, please contact your Academic Advisor.
For questions regarding the Schedule Planner, email records@utdallas.edu.
Thank you!