Step 1: Verify your major and catalog year
From your student center, go to the My Academic Tile > My Degree Audit >

Next click on View Report as PDF.

In the top portion of the report find your major and requirement term. In this example, it is Information Technology Systems Major and Fall 2021. This means you will want to look at the 4-year degree plan in the 2021 catalog. If your requirement term is Spring or Summer you will look at the catalog for the prior Fall semester.

Step 2: Pull up your 4-year plan in the catalog
Open a new browser window and go to In the menu, select the undergraduate catalog for your requirement term.

In the menu on the right under Undergraduate Programs, navigate to your major.

Scroll down and select ‘View an Example of Degree Requirements by Semester’.

This will give you the recommended courses to add to your Degree Planner.
Note: For Core Courses, if you click the link it will take you to the listing of courses that fulfill that core area.
Step 3: Add classes to your Degree Planner
From your student center go to Manage My Classes > Degree Planner >.

Use the Browse Course Catalog to search for classes you need to take.

When you find the course you want to add. Click on the course title. This will bring up the course details. Click on the Add to Planner.

Then click on Return to Browse Course Catalog

Continue this process until you have added all the courses you still need to take to your planner.
Step 4: Move courses to the semester you plan to take them
All the courses you added should appear under the Unassigned Courses heading. You can use the 4-year plan example from the catalog as a guide to move the courses to the semester you want to take them. Check the box under select for the course or courses and then select the term you want to move the courses to and click Move.

After you have your plan set up you may want to review it with your academic advisor.
Step 5: Register for classes using My Degree Planner
From your student center go to Manage My Classes > Schedule Planner >

You can add the planned courses for that term with one click, or you can also add the courses through the My Planner tab in the Add Courses section:
Note: The examples below include a warning message that some of the planned courses are not offered for the term.

You can then generate schedules and validate your selected schedule prior to your registration appointment time to verify if the registration should go through without issues or if there is anything you may need your advisor’s assistance with.