Legislative Policies

Four students walking in front of building

Texas Three Course Repeat Rule

An undergraduate student is limited to three grade-bearing enrollment attempts for any specific class. 

Texas 6-Withdrawals Rule

A student who enrolls in a Texas public institution as a first-time freshman in fall 2007 or later, may not be allowed to withdraw from more than six courses over his or her entire undergraduate career including all courses taken at any Texas public institution of higher education. 

Excessive Hours

Texas legislation establishes a maximum number of semester credit hours an undergraduate student may attempt while paying Texas resident tuition. A student who exceeds the maximum hours will be charged the nonresident tuition rate.


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law enacted in 1974 to protect the privacy of student education records. 

Texas Tuition Rebate

Students may qualify for the $1,000 tuition rebate if they attempted no more than 3 hours in excess of degree hours, and met the eligibility criteria.

Vaccination Requirement

All entering Texas college students, under the age of 22, must receive a vaccination or booster (if the vaccination is five years old) against bacterial meningitis before enrollment.